Pengaruh Modal Sosial terhadap Aktifitas Berbagi Pengetahuan dan Kinerja Distributor pada Semen Gresik

Dosen Pembimbing
Badri Munir Sukoco, SE.,MBA.,Ph.D


Government's national economic growth focusing on infrastructure development and construction caused in increasing national demand for cement. This is certainly a very good opportunity for Semen Gresik as one of the cement producers in Indonesia associated with increasing its sales growth. Concurrently, the cement industry has started to enter the commodity business where the consumer sees each brand of the industry have the same quality so that consumers perceive that no one brand is superior signifikant than other brands, this triggers the competition towards a price war. Therefore, improvement of better cooperation between Semen Gresik with its distributors focusing on aspects of social capital is presumably can be an alternative strategy of the company in achieving the performance of distributors that can further impact on performance improvement Semen Gresik itself. Social capital is built on the relationship between cognitive social capital, structural social capital and relational social capital are expected to provide a better impact on the companies performance with preceded their knowledge-sharing activities conducted by the Distributor and Semen Gresik.
This study argues that relational social capital positively influenced by cognitive social capital and structural social capital affects the knowledge sharing activities and distributors performance positively where the knowledge sharing activities also affect positively on the distributors performance.
By using a survey of Semen Gresik distributor and the results are processed by using PLS analysis, the results of this study indicate that there are positive influence and signifikant of structural social capital and cognitive social capital to relational social capital hereinafter relational social capital also influential positive and significant impact on knowledge sharing activities and distributors performance. The distributors performance in this case also affected significantly and positively by the knowledge sharing activities.

Keywords: cognitive social capital, structural social capital, relational social capital, knowledge sharing activities, distributor performance.

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