Dosen Pembimbing
Badri Munir Sukoco, SE., Ph.D


There are persistent social needs in society and a changing context for the non- profit sector; simultaneously, literature proposes social entrepreneurship (SEship) could solve those issues; nevertheless, there is a lack of research regarding how to succeed in SEship. This study tries to identify the critical problems and strategies of success of SEship, in order to contribute to the formulation of more effective initiatives in the future.
The research methodology is based on Critical Incident Technique (CIT) using a self-report survey, and Nvivo as a supporting tool for analysis. Conclusions were derived from the response of 24 SEship considered successful in their area of impact; and the analysis of 333 secondary sources.
It was found that there are two types of problems faced by SEship. First, there are internal problems which consist of i) financial structure, ii) employees’ competencies, iii) supply chain management; and, iv) growth management.
Secondly, there are external problems, mainly rooted in i) the negative predisposition from the community of impact, ii) unfavorable legislation and relationship with governmental institutions; and finally iii) to find the appropriate partner. Most common tactics for their solution are, mainly, the development of branding and credibility, to find new ways of funding in short and long term, strategic hiring, training and development; and to approach the correct constituencies. Moreover, it
was identified the following strategies for the success of SEship: networking, local- capacity building, continuous learning, and the display of proactiveness and performance measurement.

Key words: Social entrepreneurship, strategies for success, Social entrepreneur, Critical Incident Technique, Nvivo.

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