Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Praptini Yulianti, MSi


As a result of the increasing regional minimum wages that increase every
year has make difficult to company to predict the increment in the last three years, it
requires Aerofood ACS SUB must be able to improve the productivity of its
employees to be able to give more contribution to the company. To measure the
productivity, companies need tools to measure the extent to which employees can
meet the targets set by the company so that the necessary measurement of individual
performance is not only measured competencies or behaviors such as running today
but the measurement by job performances. This study analyzes the vision, mission,
goals, corporate strategies, as well as job analysis and develop individual
performance indicators consist of key performance indicators (KPI) and work
behavior (competencies) in Production and Operations. Vision, mission, goals and
strategy of the company cascade to the level of division to develop a vision, mission,
goals and strategies of production and operational divisions. Based on job analysis
and analysis of the vision, mission, objectives and strategies for the Operations
division is then compiled a draft of key performance indicators (KPI) and work
behavior (competencies).
This study is a qualitative study of the performance appraisal PT Aerofood
ACS Surabaya. The aim of the research is to design individual performance
assessment for production and operation, the draft proposal includes key
performance indicators and competence, performance indicators weights, as well as
performance assessment scale. For the position analysis using interviews,
observation and documentation as a method of data collection. This research resulted
in 66 indicators of individual performance, scale assessment and employee
performance appraisal format
Key Words: performance appraisal, job analysis, key performance indicators,competency

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