Marphin Gaspar F.S.S
Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Gancar Candra Premananto, SE.,MSi.


At this time the training world is growing. Not just through technology, but also occurs development training topic. One is romance. When speaking of love and romance are often people assume that it is a matter of course. But in fact, many people who have difficulty finding a partner. For that reason, Hitman System is present in Indonesia. Hitman System offers training programs and products that can help the male consumers to be able to find a partner. Hitman System also provides consulting services to the men and women who want dialogue.
Until this time, Hitman System decreased the number of participants, both from the workshops and seminars. This research continues to see deeper into what caused the decline and make recommendations appropriate strategies to increase the number of participants Hitman System. Who became informants in this study is an internal Hitman System, the alumni representative Hitman System, as well as market share of Hitman System.
These results indicate the existence of weaknesses in the various sectors of the Hitman System affecting the decrease in the number of participants. Researchers gave some strategic recommendations to increase the number of participants in the future.
Keywords: Love, Romance, Marketing Strategy, Hitman System, Service, Training, Customer Satisfaction, Quality of Service, Brand

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