Dosen Pembimbing
Dra.Ec.Nuri Herachwati.,M.Si.,M.Sc.


Business environmental always changes and competition more tight
demand each organization to change in order to surviving their existence and
winning the competition. Competition in generating plant more intense, get
along with Fast Track Program Plant operation First Stage (FTP-1) 10.000
MW demand efficiency and reliability of the plant. PT. Pembangkit Jawa Bali
Unit Pembangkitan Brantas (PT PJB UP Brantas) employ a changes to faces of
challenges how sustain the equipment reliability when equipment condition has
wear out period cause have old plant.
This research analyzes are PT PJB UP Brantas in condition ready to
change. This study assess the organization readiness level to change (change
readiness) in PT PJB UP Brantas by using five pillars of Readiness Guide for
Readiness Assessment arranged by Information Technology Leadership
Academy. Those Five Pillars are communication, sponsorship, stakeholder
management , readiness, and training. This study also analyses supporting factors
of changes readiness condition and obstructive factors of change readiness in PT
PJB UP Brantas, using descriptive qualitative research method with data collection
through questionnaire, interview, and internal document.
This research result in conclusion that the company indicating condition of
change readiness. Factors which supporting and hindered organization
readiness to change hoped able to help PT PJB UP Brantas designing management
strategy of changes in order to reducing failure risk.
Keywords : Organization changes, Change readiness, Communication,
sponsorship, stakeholders management, readiness, training.

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