Dosen Pembimbing
Dr. Candra Candra Premananto, SE.,MSi.


The development of information in modern era can not be separated from the impact of the freedom of expression of the information. Information can be a news presented through various media to other people. Media can be divided into two types, printed media and electronic media. In the news, there are some elements, What (what happens in an event), Who (who is involved), Where (in which the occurrence of such events), When (when it happens), Why (why it happened), how (how it happened) and what next (how it goes).
The underlying concept of this research is the existence of previous studies that test each variable separately between influence of the news content, level of trust, brand image, attitudes toward the brand and intention to select university in grade XII Senior High School. The method in this research is experimental study approach and the participants of this research is 150 student. The results of this experimental study shows that trust, brand image and attitude toward brand has an influence to the intention to select university.
Keywords: news content, trust, brand image, attitude toward brand, intention to select university, experimental study

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