Dosen Pembimbing
Sri Gunawan

The purpose of this study is to determine the dimensions of trust in Relationship Manager
of Bank X Surabaya Branch and how is the existing trust in Relationship Manager of
Bank X Surabaya.The informans for this study were Relationship Managers, Ex
Relationship Managers, Customers and Ex Customers. Informans were
choosen by considering their experience in personal banking industry.The result shows
that from the customers (customers and ex-customers) point of view the dimensions of
trust in Relationship Manager are : honest and ethical, professional, flexible and sociable,
customer oriented, and sincere. The dimensions of trust in Relationship Manager from
Relationship Manager (Relationship Managers and ex-Relationship Managers) point of
view are: honest and ethical, professional, flexible and sociable, customer oriented,
sincere, and persistent. There are several factors that influence the customer switching
behaviour that switch from Bank X personal banking to competitor, following their
Relationship Manager, these factors are : Chemistry (Relationship Quality),
Professionalism and flexibility-sociability of Relationship Managers, and Bank Image.
The results of this research would help the Bank X to increase the trust in Relationship
Manager level and avoid the customer switching behaviour to maintain its performance.
Keywords : dimensions of trust, relationship manager, customer, customer switching

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