Dosen Pembimbing
Dr.Dwi Ratmawati, M.Com


The growth opportunity of insurance is still broad. There are a lot of agents
still needed to fill in the market. There are a lot of agents needed to fill in the gap.
Agents‟ importance in socialising the need of insurance for the well being of the
society, in which we know that awareness of Indonesian of insurance is still
depleted. In short, being an insurance agent is very promising for anyone.
Commonwealth Life is still broaden the product and services which deployed into
20 major cities and supported by 10.000 agents across Indonesia. They created
P.T. Spirit Cipta Pemenang (Comm Spirit) in 2010 to support their cause.
There are some changes in the policies of attendance, working activities,
and sales target in 2012 which cause the increase number of turnovers. The
purpose of this research in to evaluate the agents turnover rate as a reaction to
changing policies that has been implemented by the office. The method used in
this research is qualitative.
This research showed that CommSpirit Commonwealth Life has to make a
clearer work procedures in order to get the expected results and also clear
compensation and other support system for their agents. A clear career
opportunity, a defined target, and more interesting reward should be a great
motivator to each agent to work harder.
This research is expected to be a reference and an enlightment to the office
of CommSpirit Commonwealth Life in minimalising its turnover rate.
Key word : Turnover, Policy Changing, Compesation, Career Opportunity, Target
and Reward

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